Networking |
S.No |
Titles |
1. |
PTD01 |
A Time Efficient Approach for Detecting Errors in Big SensorData on Cloud |
2015 |
2. |
PTD02 |
ACPN: A Novel Authentication Framework with Conditional Privacy-Preservation and Non-Repudiation for VANETs |
2015 |
3. |
PTD03 |
Secrecy Capacity Optimization via Cooperative Relaying and Jamming for WANETs |
2015 |
4. |
PTD04 |
Secure Spatial Top-k Query Processing via Untrusted Location- Based Service Providers |
2015 |
5. |
PTD05 |
Secure Data Aggregation Technique for Wireless Sensor Networks in the Presence of Collusion Attacks |
2015 |
6. |
PTD06 |
A Hierarchical Account-Aided Reputation Management System for MANETs |
2015 |
7. |
PTD07 |
A Computational Dynamic Trust Model for User Authorization |
2015 |
8. |
PTD08 |
Power Control and Resource Allocation for Outage Balancing in Femtocell Networks |
2015 |
9. |
PTD09 |
Coordinated Multi-Point Transmission with Imperfect CSI and Other-Cell Interference |
2015 |
10. |
PTD10 |
Channel Estimation for Massive MIMO Using Gaussian-Mixture Bayesian Learning |
2015 |
11. |
PTD11 |
Design of Joint Sparse Graph for OFDM System |
2015 |
12 |
PTD12 |
Nomographic Functions: Efficient Computation in Clustered Gaussian Sensor Networks |
2015 |
13 |
PTD13 |
Energy-Efficient Communications in MIMO Systems Based on Adaptive Packets and Congestion Control with Delay Constraints |
2015 |
14 |
PTD14 |
Detecting Malicious Facebook Applications |
2015 |
15 |
PTD15 |
Energy Efficient Collaborative Spectrum Sensing Based on Trust Management in Cognitive Radio Networks |
2015 |
16 |
PTD16 |
Space-Time Network Coding With Transmit Antenna Selection and Maximal-Ratio Combining |
2015 |
17 |
PTD17 |
Simultaneous Wireless Information and Power Transfer Under Different CSI Acquisition Schemes |
2015 |
18 |
PTD18 |
Friendbook: A Semantic-based Friend Recommendation System for Social Networks |
2015 |
19 |
PTD19 |
An operations research game approach for resource and power allocation in cooperative femtocell networks |
2015 |
20 |
PTD20 |
Towards Maximizing Timely content delivery in delay tolerant networks |
2015 |
21 |
PTD21 |
Power-Aware Wearable Computing in technology Sensor being, where Optimal with the human Feature |
2015 |
22 |
PTD22 |
On the Energy Efficiency of Device Discovery in Mobile Opportunistic Networks: A Systematic Approach |
2015 |
23 |
PTD23 |
Impact of Location Popularity on Throughput and Delay in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks |
2015 |
24 |
PTD24 |
User-Defined Privacy Grid System for Continuous Location-Based Services |
2015 |
25 |
PTD25 |
Throughput-Optimal Queue Length Based CSMA/CA Algorithm for Cognitive Radio Networks |
2015 |
26 |
PTD26 |
Semi-Distributed Backoff: Collision-Aware Migration from Random to Deterministic Backoff |
2015 |
27 |
PTD27 |
Incentive Mechanism Design for Heterogeneous Peer-to-Peer Networks: A StackelbergGame Approach |
2015 |
28 |
PTD28 |
Economic Analysis of 4G Upgrade Timing |
2015 |
29 |
PTD29 |
Analysis of Smart Mobile Applications for Healthcare under Dynamic Context Changes |
2015 |
30 |
PTD30 |
Cooperative Load Balancing and Dynamic Channel Allocation for Cluster-Based Mobile Ad Hoc Networks |
2015 |
31 |
PTD31 |
Delay Bounds for Random Linear Coding in Parallel Relay Networks |
2015 |
32 |
PTD32 |
Context-Aware QoE Modeling, Measurement, and Prediction in Mobile Computing Systems |
2015 |
33 |
PTD33 |
Cooperation without Synchronization: Practical Cooperative Relaying for Wireless Networks |
2015 |
34 |
PTD34 |
Containing Byzantine Failures with Control Zones |
2015 |
35 |
PTD35 |
Performability Evaluation of Grid Environments using Stochastic Reward Nets |
2015 |
36 |
PTD36 |
Empirical Development of a Trusted Sensing Base for Power System Infrastructures |
2015 |
37 |
PTD37 |
User-Defined Privacy Grid System for Continuous Location-Based Services |
2015 |
38 |
PTD38 |
Optimal Bidding Strategy of Battery Storage in Power Markets Considering Performance-Based Regulation and Battery Cycle Life |
2015 |
39 |
PTD39 |
Conditional Identity-based Broadcast Proxy Re-Encryption and Its Application to Cloud Email |
2015 |
40 |
PTD40 |
Modeling of Local False Data Injection Attacks With Reduced Network Information |
2015 |
41 |
PTD41 |
Fast Micro-Differential Evolution for Topological Active Net Optimization |
2015 |
42 |
PTD42 |
Joint Substation-Transmission Line Vulnerability Assessment Against the Smart Grid |
2015 |
43 |
PTD43 |
EMaaS: Cloud-Based Energy Management Service for Distributed Renewable Energy Integration |
2015 |
44 |
PTD44 |
Robust Energy Management System Based on Interval Fuzzy Models |
2015 |
45 |
PTD45 |
Estimation of Residential Heat Pump Consumption for Flexibility Market Applications |
2015 |
46 |
PTD46 |
A Faithful Distributed Mechanism for Demand Response Aggregation |
2015 |
47 |
PTD47 |
Secure and Private Data Aggregation for Energy Consumption Scheduling in Smart Grids |
2015 |
48 |
PTD48 |
A Framework of Constructions of Minimal Storage Regenerating Codes With the Optimal Access/Update Property |
2015 |
49 |
PTD49 |
Reinforcement Learning of Heuristic EV Fleet Charging in a Day-Ahead Electricity Market |
2015 |
50 |
PTD50 |
A Classification Method for Complex Power Quality Disturbances Using EEMD and Rank Wavelet SVM
2015 |
51 |
PTD51 |
Stronger Virtual Connections in Hex |
2015 |
52 |
PTD52 |
Integrated Approach to Personalized Procedural Map Generation Using Evolutionary Algorithms |
2015 |
53 |
PTD53 |
Adaptive Shooting for Bots in First Person Shooter Games Using Reinforcement Learning |
2015 |
54 |
PTD54 |
Memory-Efficient Method for Fast Computation of Short 15-Puzzle Solutions |
2015 |
55 |
PTD55 |
Equivalence Classes in Chinese Dark Chess Endgames |
2015 |
56 |
PTD56 |
Learning-Based Procedural Content Generation |
2015 |
57 |
PTD57 |
Artificial Neural Network as a FPGA Trigger for a Detection of Very Inclined Air Showers |
2015 |
58 |
PTD58 |
Efficient Superpixel-Level Multitask Joint Sparse Representation for Hyperspectral Image Classification |
2015 |
59 |
PTD59 |
SLED: Semantic Label Embedding Dictionary Representation for Multilabel Image Annotation |
2015 |
60 |
PTD60 |
Using Ontologies and Formal Concept Analysis to Integrate Heterogeneous Tourism Information |
2015 |
61 |
PTD61 |
Object Tracking With Multi-View Support Vector Machines |
2015 |
62 |
PTD62 |
Image Super-Resolution Using Deep Convolutional Networks |
2015 |
63 |
PTD63 |
Selective DF Protocol for MIMO STBC Based Single/Multiple Relay Cooperative Communication: End-to-End Performance and Optimal Power Allocation |
2015 |
64 |
PTD64 |
Estimation of the Earth Resistance by Artificial Neural Network Model |
2015 |
65 |
PTD65 |
HfO₂-Based OxRAM Devices as Synapses for Convolutional Neural Networks |
2015 |
66 |
PTD66 |
Partial discharge pattern recognition via sparse representation and ANN |
2015 |
67 |
PTD67 |
Shape-Constrained Sparse and Low-Rank Decomposition for Auroral Substorm Detection |
2015 |
68 |
PTD68 |
Data-Mining-Based Intelligent Differential Relaying for Transmission Lines Including UPFC and Wind Farms |
2015 |
69 |
PTD69 |
Soil Moisture Retrieval Using Neural Networks: Application to SMOS |
2015 |
70 |
PTD70 |
Adaptive Neural Impedance Control of a Robotic Manipulator With Input Saturation |
2015 |
71 |
PTD71 |
Scaled Current Tracking Control for Doubly Fed Induction Generator to Ride-through Serious Grid Faults |
2015 |
72 |
PTD72 |
Data-Mining-Based Intelligent Differential Relaying for Transmission Lines Including UPFC and Wind Farms |
2015 |
73 |
PTD73 |
A New Distance Metric for Unsupervised Learning of Categorical Data |
2015 |
74 |
PTD74 |
Maximum Entropy Discrimination Poisson Regression for Software Reliability Modeling |
2015 |
75 |
PTD75 |
Adaptive Neural Output Feedback Control of Output-Constrained Nonlinear Systems With Unknown Output Nonlinearity |
2015 |
76 |
PTD76 |
Wi-Counter: Smartphone-Based People Counter Using Crowd sourced Wi-Fi Signal Data |
2015 |
77 |
PTD77 |
Robust Learning based Camera Motion Characterization scheme with applications to Video Stabilization |
2015 |
78 |
PTD78 |
CrowdOp: Query Optimization for Declarative Crowdsourcing Systems |
2015 |
79 |
PTD79 |
Anonymizing Collections of Tree-Structured Data |
2015 |
80 |
PTD80 |
APP Relationship Calculation: An Iterative Process |
2015 |
81 |
PTD81 |
Modeling the probability of a strikeout for a batter/pitcher matchup |
2015 |
82 |
PTD82 |
Accelerated Continuous Conditional Random Fields For Load Forecasting |
2015 |
83 |
PTD83 |
A Practical and Effective Sampling Selection Strategy for Large Scale Deduplication |
2015 |
84 |
PTD84 |
Guest Editorial: Special Issue on Cloud Robotics and Automation |
2015 |
85 |
PTD85 |
Structural Bootstrapping—A Novel, Generative Mechanism for Faster and More Efficient Acquisition of Action-Knowledge |
2015 |
86 |
PTD86 |
A Two-Stage Geometric Method for Pruning Unreliable Links in Protein-Protein Networks |
2015 |
87 |
PTD87 |
A Heuristic Clustering-based Task Deployment Approach for Load Balancing Using Bayes Theorem in Cloud Environment |
2015 |
87 |
PTD87 |
Optimal Forwarding in Opportunistic Delay Tolerant Networks with Meeting Rate Estimations |
2015 |
88 |
PTD88 |
Effective Classification using a small Training Set based on Discretization and Statistical Analysis |
2015 |
89 |
PTD89 |
Pattern-Aided Regression Modeling and Prediction Model Analysis |
2015 |
90 |
PTD90 |
A Cooperative Coevolution Framework for Parallel Learning to Rank |
2015 |
91 |
PTD91 |
MapReduce: Incremental MapReduce for Mining Evolving Big Data |
2015 |
92 |
PTD92 |
Aggregate Estimation in Hidden Databases with Checkbox Interfaces |
2015 |
93 |
PTD93 |
Active Learning for Ranking through Expected Loss Optimization |
2015 |
94 |
PTD94 |
Topological Transformation Approaches to Database Query Processing |
2015 |
95 |
PTD95 |
Towards Effective Bug Triage with Software Data Reduction Techniques |
2015 |
96 |
PTD96 |
Subgraph Matching with Set Similarity in a Large Graph Database |
2015 |
97 |
PTD97 |
Rule-Based Method for Entity Resolution |
2015 |
98 |
PTD98 |
Discovery of Ranking Fraud for Mobile Apps |
2015 |
99 |
PTD99 |
PAGE: A Partition Aware Engine for Parallel Graph Computation |
2015 |
100 |
PTD100 |
Keyword Search Over Probabilistic RDF Graphs |
2015 |
101 |
PTD101 |
k-Nearest Neighbor Classification over Semantically Secure Encrypted Relational Data |
2015 |
102 |
PTD102 |
Entity Linking with a Knowledge Base: Issues, Techniques, and Solutions |
2015 |
103 |
PTD103 |
ePeriodicity: Mining Event Periodicity from Incomplete Observations |
2015 |
104 |
PTD104 |
Agent-based Interactions and Economic Encounters in an Intelligent InterCloud |
2015 |
105 |
PTD105 |
Efficient Reverse Top-k Boolean Spatial Keyword Queries on Road Networks |
2015 |
106 |
PTD106 |
CAHR: A Contextually Adaptive Home-Based Rehabilitation Framework |
2015 |
107 |
PTD107 |
Query Aware Determination of Uncertain Objects |
2015 |
108 |
PTD108 |
Multi-Keyword Privacy-Preserving Search in Personal Server Networks |
2015 |
109 |
PTD109 |
Striking a Balance Between Traffic Engineering and Energy Efficiency in Virtual Machine Placement |
2015 |
110 |
PTD110 |
CAWSAC: Cost-Aware Workload Scheduling and Admission Control for Distributed Cloud Data Centers |
2015 |
111 |
PTD111 |
NetVM: High Performance and Flexible Networking Using Virtualization on Commodity Platforms |
2015 |
112 |
PTD112 |
Strategy-Proof Resource Allocation Mechanism for Multi-Flow Wireless Multicast |
2015 |
113 |
PTD113 |
Secure and Anonymous Communication Technique: Formal Model and its Prototype Implementation |
2015 |
114 |
PTD114 |
An Efficient Privacy-Preserving Ranked Keyword Search Method |
2015 |
115 |
PTD115 |
The Ball and Beam System: a Case Study of Virtual and Remote Lab Enhancement with Moodle |
2015 |
116 |
PTD116 |
Authenticated Key Exchange Protocols for Parallel Network File Systems |
2015 |
117 |
PTD117 |
Network Variation and Fault Tolerant Performance Acceleration in Mobile Devices with Simultaneous Remote Execution |
2015 |
118 |
PTD118 |
Network Variation and Fault Tolerant Performance Acceleration in Mobile Devices with Simultaneous Remote Execution |
2015 |
119 |
PTD119 |
Energy Efficient Scheduling and Management for Large-Scale Services Computing Systems |
2015 |
120 |
PTD120 |
Attribute-based Access Control with Constant-size Ciphertext in Cloud Computing |
2015 |
121 |
PTD121 |
A Heuristic Distributed Task Allocation Method for Multivehicle Multitask Problems and Its Application to Search and Rescue Scenario |
2015 |
122 |
PTD122 |
Instantly Decodable Network Coding for Completion Time or Decoding Delay Reduction in Cooperative Data Exchange System |
2015 |
123 |
PTD123 |
TMACS: A Robust and Verifiable Threshold Multi-Authority Access Control System in Public Cloud Storage |
2015 |
124 |
PTD124 |
Efficient Privacy-Preserving Facial Expression Classification |
2015 |
125 |
PTD125 |
An SDN-Based CDN/ISP Collaboration Architecture for Managing High-Volume Flows |
2015 |
126 |
PTD126 |
Attribute-Based Encryption With Efficient Verifiable Outsourced Decryption |
2015 |
127 |
PTD127 |
CSR: Classified Source Routing in DHT-Based Networks |
2015 |
128 |
PTD128 |
A Visual Model-Based Perceptual Image Hash for Content Authentication |
2015 |
129 |
PTD129 |
Minimizing Pixel Expansion in Visual Cryptographic Scheme for General Access Structures |
2015 |
130 |
PTD130 |
Upgrade Analog Readout and Digitizing System for ATLAS TileCal Demonstrator |
2015 |
131 |
PTD131 |
Exploring Curved Schematization of Territorial Outlines |
2015 |
132 |
PTD132 |
Evaluating Texture Compression Masking Effects Using Objective Image Quality Assessment Metrics |
2015 |
133 |
PTD133 |
Robustness-Based Simplification of 2D Steady and Unsteady Vector Fields |
2015 |
134 |
PTD134 |
All-Frequency Direct Illumination with Vectorized Visibility |
2015 |
135 |
PTD135 |
Disambiguating Stereoscopic Transparency Using a Thaumatrope Approach |
2015 |
136 |
PTD136 |
Real-Time 3D Tracking and Reconstruction on Mobile Phones |
2015 |
137 |
PTD137 |
An Efficient Framework for Generating Storyline Visualizations from Streaming Data |
2015 |
138 |
PTD138 |
Copy-Move Forgery Detection by Matching Triangles of Keypoints |
2015 |
139 |
PTD139 |
Multiview Alignment Hashing for Efficient Image Search |
2015 |
140 |
PTD140 |
Robust Visual Tracking via Exclusive Context Modeling |
2015 |
141 |
PTD141 |
No-Reference Image Sharpness Assessment in Autoregressive Parameter Space |
2015 |
142 |
PTD142 |
Formalization and Verification of Group Behavior Interactions |
2015 |
143 |
PTD143 |
Relevance Feature Discovery for Text Mining |
2015 |
144 |
PTD144 |
Domain-specific keyphrase extraction and near-duplicate article detection based on ontology |
2015 |
145 |
PTD145 |
Discovering Latent Semantics in Web Documents using Fuzzy Clustering |
2015 |
146 |
PTD146 |
SentiVoice - a system for querying hotel service reviews via phone |
2015 |
147 |
PTD147 |
Relevance Preserving Projection and Ranking Based on One-Class Classification for Web Image Search Reranking |
2015 |
148 |
PTD148 |
Utilizing Indirect Associations in Multimedia Semantic Retrieval |
2015 |
149 |
PTD149 |
Hotel recommendation based on user preference analysis |
2015 |
150 |
PTD150 |
Video Supervoxels using Partially Absorbing Random Walks |
2015 |
151 |
PTD151 |
Clinical Documents Clustering Based on Medication/Symptom Names Using Multi-View Nonnegative Matrix Factorization |
2015 |
152 |
PTD152 |
Dish comment summarization based on bilateral topic analysis |
2015 |
153 |
PTD153 |
Author Topic Model-Based Collaborative Filtering for Personalized POI Recommendations |
2015 |
154 |
PTD154 |
Feature based opinion mining: A survey |
2015 |
155 |
PTD155 |
Advertising slogan generation system reflecting user preference on the web |
2015 |
156 |
PTD156 |
Arabic document similarity analysis using n-grams and singular value decomposition |
2015 |
157 |
PTD157 |
Google based hybrid approach for discovering services |
2015 |
158 |
PTD158 |
Extracting and integrating nutrition related linked data |
2015 |
159 |
PTD159 |
Novel Metaknowledge-Based Processing Technique for Multimediata Big Data Clustering Challenges |
2015 |
160 |
PTD160 |
Recognizing logical parts in Vietnamese legal texts using Conditional Random Fields |
2015 |
161 |
PTD161 |
Automatic process model discovery from textual methodologies |
2015 |
162 |
PTD162 |
A syntactic approach for aspect based opinion mining |
2015 |
163 |
PTD163 |
Data Lineage in Malicious Environments |
2015 |
164 |
PTD164 |
Cloning your Gadgets: Complete ROP Attack Immunity with Multi-Variant Execution |
2015 |
165 |
PTD165 |
Privacy-Preserving Public Auditing for Regenerating-Code-Based Cloud Storage |
2015 |
166 |
PTD166 |
A Novel Class of Robust Covert Channels Using Out-of-order Packets |
2015 |
167 |
PTD167 |
Universally Composable RFID Mutual Authentication |
2015 |
168 |
PTD168 |
Data Lineage in Malicious Environments |
2015 |
169 |
PTD169 |
Secure Optimization Computation Outsourcing in Cloud Computing: A Case Study of Linear Programming |
2015 |
170 |
PTD170 |
2FLIP: A Two-Factor Lightweight Privacy Preserving Authentication Scheme for VANET |
2015 |
171 |
PTD171 |
PBA: Prediction-based Authentication for Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communications |
2015 |
172 |
PTD172 |
MixGroup: Accumulative Pseudonym Exchanging for Location Privacy Preservation in Vehicular Social Networks |
2015 |
173 |
PTD173 |
An Effective Integrity Check Scheme for Secure Erasure Code-Based Storage Systems |
2015 |
174 |
PTD174 |
Generic Soft-Error Detection and Correction for Concurrent Data Structures |
2015 |
175 |
PTD175 |
Secure Compute-and-Forward in a Bidirectional Relay |
2015 |
176 |
PTD176 |
SBVLC: Secure Barcode-based Visible Light Communication for Smartphones |
2015 |
177 |
PTD177 |
A Novel Approach of Rescheduling the Critical Generators for a New Available Transfer Capability Determination |
2015 |
178 |
PTD178 |
On the Pitfalls of using Arbiter PUFs as Building Blocks |
2015 |
179 |
PTD179 |
Password Extraction via Reconstructed Wireless Mouse Trajectory |
2015 |
180 |
PTD180 |
Empirical Development of a Trusted Sensing Base for Power System Infrastructures |
2015 |
181 |
PTD181 |
ProbeBuilder: Uncovering Opaque Kernel Data Structures for Automatic Probe Construction |
2015 |
182 |
PTD182 |
A Proximity Authentication System for Smartphones |
2015 |
183 |
PTD183 |
User-Defined Privacy Grid System for Continuous Location-Based Services |
2015 |
184 |
PTD184 |
Cloud-based Multimedia Content Protection System |
2015 |
185 |
PTD185 |
Energy-aware Load Balancing and Application Scaling for the Cloud Ecosystem |
2015 |
186 |
PTD186 |
A Scalable and Reliable Matching Service for Content-Based Publish/Subscribe Systems |
2015 |
187 |
PTD187 |
An efficient algorithm for the bursting of service-based applications in hybrid Clouds |
2015 |
188 |
PTD188 |
Smart Cloud Storage Service Selection Based on Fuzzy Logic, Theory of Evidence and Game Theory |
2015 |
189 |
PTD189 |
Provable Multicopy Dynamic Data Possession in Cloud Computing Systems |
2015 |
190 |
PTD190 |
Public Integrity Auditing for Shared Dynamic Cloud Data with Group User Revocation |
2015 |
191 |
PTD191 |
Orchestrating Bulk Data Transfers across geo-distributed datacenters |
2015 |
192 |
PTD192 |
Energy-Efficient Fault-Tolerant Data Storage and Processing in Mobile Cloud |
2015 |
193 |
PTD193 |
Space-efficient Verifiable Secret Sharing Using Polynomial Interpolation |
2015 |
194 |
PTD194 |
SelCSP: A Framework to Facilitate Selection of Cloud Service Providers |
2015 |
195 |
PTD195 |
Stealthy Denial of Service Strategy in Cloud Computing |
2015 |
196 |
PTD196 |
Combining Efficiency, Fidelity, and Flexibility in Resource Information Services |
2015 |
197 |
PTD197 |
Audit-Free Cloud Storage via Deniable Attribute-based Encryption |
2015 |
198 |
PTD198 |
A Profit Maximization Scheme with Guaranteed Quality of Service in Cloud Computing |
2015 |
199 |
PTD199 |
Key-Aggregate Searchable Encryption (KASE) for Group Data Sharing via Cloud Storage |
2015 |
200 |
PTD200 |
Iterative Vessel Segmentation Of Fundus Images |
2015 |
201 |
PTD201 |
Local Diagonal Extrema Pattern A New And Efficient Feature Descriptor For CT Image Retrieval |
2015 |
202 |
PTD202 |
Towards Practical Self-Embedding For Jpeg-Compressed Digital Images |
2015 |
203 |
PTD203 |
Low-Complexity Features For JPEG Steganalysis Using Undecimated DCT |
2015 |
204 |
PTD204 |
Multiscale Logarithm Difference Edgemaps For Face Recognition Against Varying Lighting Conditions |
2015 |
205 |
PTD205 |
Localized Multi-Feature Metric Learning For Image Set Based Face Recognition |
2015 |
206 |
PTD206 |
Learning Compact Binary Face Descriptor For Face Recognition |
2015 |
207 |
PTD207 |
EMR A Scalable Graph-Based Ranking Model For Content-Based Image Retrieval |
2015 |
208 |
PTD208 |
Content-Based Image Retrieval Using Error Diffusion Block Truncation Coding Features |
2015 |
209 |
PTD209 |
Content Based Image Retrieval By Metric Learning From Radiology Reports Application To Interstitial Lung Diseases |
2015 |
210 |
PTD210 |
Combining Left And Right Palmprint Images For More Accurate Personal Identification |
2015 |
211 |
PTD211 |
Background Subtraction Based On Low- Rank And Structured Sparsedecomposition |
2015 |
212 |
PTD212 |
Vector Sparse Representation Of Color Image Using Quaternion Matrix Analysis |
2015 |
213 |
PTD213 |
Progressive Halftone Watermarking Using Multilayer Table Lookup Strategy |
2015 |
214 |
PTD214 |
Single Image Super-Resolution Based on Gradient Profile Sharpness |
2015 |
215 |
PTD215 |
Sorted Consecutive Local Binary Pattern for Texture Classification |
2015 |
216 |
PTD216 |
Progressive or Conservative: Rationally Allocate Cooperative Work inMobile Social Networks |
2015 |
217 |
PTD217 |
Silhouette Analysis for Human Action Recognition Based on Supervised Temporal t-SNE and Incremental Learning |
2015 |
218 |
PTD218 |
Minimizing Movement for Target Coverage and Network Connectivity in Mobile Sensor Networks |
2015 |
219 |
PTD219 |
No-Reference Image Sharpness Assessment in Autoregressive ParameterSpace |
2015 |
220 |
PTD220 |
Multiview Alignment Hashing for Efficient Image |
2015 |
221 |
PTD221 |
Matching of Large Images through Coupled Decomposition |
2015 |
222 |
PTD222 |
Learning to Rank Image Tags with Limited Training Examples |
2015 |
223 |
PTD223 |
High-Resolution Face Verification Using Pore-Scale Facial Features |
2015 |
224 |
PTD224 |
PM-PM: PatchMatch With Potts Model for Object Segmentation and Stereo Matching |
2015 |
225 |
PTD225 |
Learning Fingerprint Reconstruction: From Minutiae to Image |
2015 |
226 |
PTD226 |
Blind Inpainting Using L0 and Total Variation Regularization |
2015 |
227 |
PTD227 |
LASEC: A Localized Approach to Service Composition in Pervasive Computing Environments |
2015 |
228 |
PTD228 |
Joint Workload and Battery Scheduling with Heterogeneous Service DelayGuaranteesfor Data Center Energy Cost Minimization |
2015 |
229 |
PTD229 |
Adaptive Image Denoising by Targeted Databases |
2015 |
230 |
PTD230 |
DERF: Distinctive Efficient Robust Features From the Biological Modeling of the P Ganglion Cells 8 |
2015 |
231 |
PTD231 |
Approximation and Compression with Sparse Orthonormal Transforms |
2015 |
232 |
PTD232 |
A Source-Channel Coding Approach to Digital Image Protection and Self-Recovery |
2015 |
233 |
PTD233 |
Face Recognition Across Non-Uniform Motion Blur, Illumination, and Pose |
2015 |
234 |
PTD234 |
Automatic Face Naming by Learning Discriminative Affnity Matrices From Weakly Labeled Image |
2015 |
235 |
PTD235 |
Capacity Scaling of Wireless Social Networks |
2015 |
236 |
PTD236 |
Efficient Robust Conditional Random Fields |
2015 |
237 |
PTD237 |
Detection and Rectification of Distorted Fingerprints |
2015 |
238 |
PTD238 |
Software reviews - Minimise your messaging footprint and workload [Reviews Software |
2015 |
239 |
PTD239 |
Design and implementation of an application with Android for remote management of a Smartphone |
2015 |
240 |
PTD240 |
A Publish-Subscribe Approach to IoT Integration: The Smart Office Use Case |
2015 |
241 |
PTD241 |
Challenges of leveraging mobile sensing devices in wireless healthcare |
2015 |
242 |
PTD242 |
Review of the Mobile Malware Detection Approaches |
2015 |
243 |
PTD243 |
Mobile melanoma detection application for Android smart phones |
2015 |
244 |
PTD244 |
A distributed patching scheme for controlling mobile malware infection |
2015 |
245 |
PTD245 |
Automatic Knowledge Sharing Across Communities: A Case Study on Android Issue Tracker and Stack Overflow |
2015 |
246 |
PTD246 |
Achieving Optional Android Permissions without Operating System Modifications |
2015 |
247 |
PTD247 |
A wind-noise suppressor with wind-burst detection based on a stationary noise estimate |
2015 |
248 |
PTD248 |
ConDroid: Targeted Dynamic Analysis of Android Applications |
2015 |
249 |
PTD249 |
Automation of shell and tube type heat exchanger with PLC and LabVIEW |
2015 |
250 |
PTD250 |
An analysis of native apps for mobile banking |
2015 |
251 |
PTD251 |
Intelligent Display Auto-Lock Scheme for Mobile Devices |
2015 |
252 |
PTD252 |
A synchronized playback method with dynamic buffering time awareness for media streaming |
2015 |
253 |
PTD253 |
Dude, ask the experts!: Android resource access permission recommendation with RecDroid |
2015 |
254 |
PTD254 |
Taint analysis of manual service compositions using Cross-Application Call Graphs |
2015 |
255 |
PTD255 |
A Secure and Dynamic Multi-keyword Ranked Search Scheme over Encrypted Cloud Data |
2015 |
256 |
PTD256 |
Cost-Effective Authentic and Anonymous Data Sharing with ForwardSecurity |
2015 |
257 |
PTD257 |
Collusion-Tolerable Privacy-Preserving Sum and Product Calculation without Secure Channel |
2015 |
258 |
PTD258 |
A Time Efficient Approach for Detecting Errors in Big Sensor Data onCloud |
2015 |
259 |
PTD259 |
Secure Distributed Deduplication Systems with Improved Reliability |
2015 |
260 |
PTD260 |
Progressive or Conservative: Rationally Allocate Cooperative Work inMobile Social Networks |
2015 |
261 |
PTD261 |
Minimizing Movement for Target Coverage and Network Connectivity in Mobile Sensor Networks |
2015 |
262 |
PTD262 |
LASEC: A Localized Approach to Service Composition in Pervasive Computing Environments |
2015 |
263 |
PTD263 |
Joint Workload and Battery Scheduling with Heterogeneous Service Delay Guaranteesfor Data Center Energy Cost Minimization |
2015 |
264 |
PTD264 |
Enabling Fine-grained Multi-keyword Search Supporting Classified Sub-dictionaries over Encrypted Cloud Data |
2015 |
265 |
PTD265 |
A Computational Dynamic Trust Model for User Authorization |
2015 |
266 |
PTD266 |
Cloud Computing Applications for Smart Grid: A Survey |
2015 |
267 |
PTD267 |
A Secure Anti-Collusion Data Sharing Scheme for Dynamic Groups in the Cloud |
2015 |
268 |
PTD268 |
Capacity Scaling of Wireless Social Networks |
2015 |